Sunday, 30 December 2007

Ann Coulter On Welfare.

Ann Coulter on welfare? Not with five best sellers! No, this post is about Ann Coulter's views on the welfare system. She gets it sought of right. It is the duty of every nation to protect the poor and vulnerable. People find themselves in difficult situations for all sorts of reasons. The state should not judge these unfortunates. Instead, it must offer swift support so that people get back on their feet as soon as possible. Now, as in all walks of life, there are going to be a few who abuse the system;claiming money that they are clearly not entitled to. However, these fraudsters are few in comparison to the number of genuine claimants. Giving airtime to those who focus soley on welfare abusers obscures genuine issues which would benefit from open public discussion. If Ann Coulter wants to use her notorioty to champion positive change, then she needs to refrain from talking too much about welfare cheats. She should put more effort into making people aware of any problems with the welfare sytem itself.

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