Saturday, 29 December 2007

Ann Coulter On Family

The family is a fundamental social building block. Within it we learn the skills that allow us to become productive, law abiding members of society. However, the family can only function properly if it is set up correctly.

As the good book says, the man should be the head of the family and wives must submit to their husbands authority (husband and wife should be married, of course). Children must obey their parents and parents are responsible for teaching their children the difference between right and wrong. If a nation's family units operate in this way, the likelihood of crime and rebellion is reduced and there is far greater social cohesion and stability.

If families break down, criminality and general anti-social behaviour increase dramatically in the population at large. In this case, the state will be forced to intervene; no government will allow a nation to disintegrate into chaos. State intervention can be costly in many ways. In extreme cases, destructive totalitarian regimes emerge with a complete loss of individual freedom.

So, for an easy life, it's important to encourage family stability. If Ann Coulter truly promotes the good family values mentioned in this post, then her support is appreciated.

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