Sunday, 30 December 2007

Ann Coulter On Liberalism

Ann Coulter's stance on the dangers of liberalism is commendable. I just wish she'd show a bit more tact. Her acidic and, in some cases, downright slanderous outbursts are not examples of proper Christian conduct.

What is Liberalism? There are many "erudite" definitions. But, as a Pope once commented, liberalism is essentially the process of making "that which is wrong appear right". Who decides what is right and what is wrong. God, that's Who! Man might say and be able to convince others that something is right but, if it's not God's Will, then it is wrong. Liberals often remark that things are not so clear cut as right and wrong. They say that life is made up of grey areas. Well, grey is what you get when you mix black and white!

Libaralism is at its most dangerous when it operates within the Church. Here, its pernicious influence tries to subltly undermine God's laws e.g. by creating arguments that support women priests, same sex marriages etc. In fact, it may be argued that ultimately, liberalism seeks to construct an anti-church which mimics the True Church so closely that you can't tell the difference. This is one of the worst forms of idolatory!

What should Christians do about the onslaught of liberalism? Pray! Use the mighty power of prayer to change things. So, Ann, take it to the Lord in prayer (I'm sure you do this already).

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