Monday, 31 December 2007

Ann Coulter And Housing

Ann Coulter's views on the environment are well known. Her views on housing, though less apparent, court similar controversy.

At college we were taught that shelter was one of the five basic needs of man. Families, particularly young ones, should view affordable housing as a fundamental right. Were not talking about mansions here, just a bog standard terraced two up two down. What are the obstacles to the average family owning a house. Firstly, inflated valuations. Why should proximity to local cafes or a park have a disproportionately adverse effect on house prices. Shouldn't the fact that people need somewhere to live have an overriding effect when it comes to determining the fair price of a property. A house is not a like a designer watch or a piece of fashion jewellery. It can't be priced solely on what the market can bare. It is an essential, like food. There would be an outcry if a loaf of bread cost thousands. Similarly, alarm bells should start ringing if the average family struggles to buy an average house.

Land prices are another boulder in a house buyer's path. There are many reasons (right and wrong) why residential land prices are high. But all land owners should bare one thing in mind when valuing their portfolios. The land actually belongs to God, it is not really the land owner's. They are just just stewards.

The third major hurdle is the mortgage. I'm not talking about a standard mortgage set at a reasonable multiple of annual income. No, I'm talking about those "mortgages" that offer, for example, ten times salary. Who would take this type of mortgage. A rich person? No, more likely someone with modest means who, given that house prices are unreasonably high, sees a ten times salary mortgage as the only option. This situation often leads to problems with repayments, putting family welfare at risk. Mortgage lenders should remember on thing: do not take advantage of the poor, God is their mighty protector and will argue their case!

Ann Coulter On Law And Order

Law and order is a subject close to Ann Coulter's heart (yes, she does have one) . After all, she is a lawyer by trade.

Why is crime increasing? Well, the Bible says crime increases when it isn't punished quickly enough. It seems that criminals use delays in the criminal justice system as an excuse to increase their law breaking activities. On top of this, police are expected to undertake work which should be done by others;what are social workers for! Law enforcement officers are there to catch criminals, not to make friends with them.

Once convicted (eventually), the modern crook faces the possibility of "alternative" punishments. Gone are the days when they would be automatically thrown in jail. No, these days they could spend there sentence painting fences or sweeping roads. Is this punishment? Hardly! When someone is found guilty of committing a crime they must be punished a) because it acts as a deterrent and more importantly b) because it is the right thing to do. With big juicy carrots like "community based punishment", is it any wonder that crime is on the increase.

Ann Coulter's Good Points

Although Ann Coulter is a bit too thin and holds views that are quite frankly idiotic, she does have some good points. She is very intelligent (a lawyer by profession), very beautiful and, if you read her quotes or watch some of her interviews, very witty as well. She has excellent skin which is complemented by spectacular long blond hair. Ann's nose is straight and in the right proportion. Her jaw structure is perfect and her eyes glisten like blue sapphires. Her high brow is further testament to a superior intelligence and if Ann Coulter's face could be described mathematically, then surely it would be by using Fionacci's Golden Section. In short, Ann Coulter has almost perfect facial features (for her particular race).

Sunday, 30 December 2007

Ann Coulter Godless? I Don't Think So.

Ann Coulter is not godless, but at times, she does display a somewhat warped understanding of what it means to be a Christian. Christianity is a matter of faith not sight. Christians believe in things that can't be seen. The bible is God's word and is absolutely truthful. Why then does Ann fail to believe that Creation took 6 days (see the Jeremy Paxman interview) even though the bible states this fact in its first few verses. The bible also says that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Ann, however, seems to select some bible verses and ignore others. She does this to suit her political objectives, but this is wrong.

If Ann Coulter wishes to espouse her Christian beliefs, she should do so by being Christian in all aspects of her life particularly in regard to what she says and writes. Any other behaviour is just ammo for the heathen.

Ann Coulter On Welfare.

Ann Coulter on welfare? Not with five best sellers! No, this post is about Ann Coulter's views on the welfare system. She gets it sought of right. It is the duty of every nation to protect the poor and vulnerable. People find themselves in difficult situations for all sorts of reasons. The state should not judge these unfortunates. Instead, it must offer swift support so that people get back on their feet as soon as possible. Now, as in all walks of life, there are going to be a few who abuse the system;claiming money that they are clearly not entitled to. However, these fraudsters are few in comparison to the number of genuine claimants. Giving airtime to those who focus soley on welfare abusers obscures genuine issues which would benefit from open public discussion. If Ann Coulter wants to use her notorioty to champion positive change, then she needs to refrain from talking too much about welfare cheats. She should put more effort into making people aware of any problems with the welfare sytem itself.

Ann Coulter On Liberalism

Ann Coulter's stance on the dangers of liberalism is commendable. I just wish she'd show a bit more tact. Her acidic and, in some cases, downright slanderous outbursts are not examples of proper Christian conduct.

What is Liberalism? There are many "erudite" definitions. But, as a Pope once commented, liberalism is essentially the process of making "that which is wrong appear right". Who decides what is right and what is wrong. God, that's Who! Man might say and be able to convince others that something is right but, if it's not God's Will, then it is wrong. Liberals often remark that things are not so clear cut as right and wrong. They say that life is made up of grey areas. Well, grey is what you get when you mix black and white!

Libaralism is at its most dangerous when it operates within the Church. Here, its pernicious influence tries to subltly undermine God's laws e.g. by creating arguments that support women priests, same sex marriages etc. In fact, it may be argued that ultimately, liberalism seeks to construct an anti-church which mimics the True Church so closely that you can't tell the difference. This is one of the worst forms of idolatory!

What should Christians do about the onslaught of liberalism? Pray! Use the mighty power of prayer to change things. So, Ann, take it to the Lord in prayer (I'm sure you do this already).

Saturday, 29 December 2007

Ann Coulter On Family

The family is a fundamental social building block. Within it we learn the skills that allow us to become productive, law abiding members of society. However, the family can only function properly if it is set up correctly.

As the good book says, the man should be the head of the family and wives must submit to their husbands authority (husband and wife should be married, of course). Children must obey their parents and parents are responsible for teaching their children the difference between right and wrong. If a nation's family units operate in this way, the likelihood of crime and rebellion is reduced and there is far greater social cohesion and stability.

If families break down, criminality and general anti-social behaviour increase dramatically in the population at large. In this case, the state will be forced to intervene; no government will allow a nation to disintegrate into chaos. State intervention can be costly in many ways. In extreme cases, destructive totalitarian regimes emerge with a complete loss of individual freedom.

So, for an easy life, it's important to encourage family stability. If Ann Coulter truly promotes the good family values mentioned in this post, then her support is appreciated.

Friday, 28 December 2007

Ann Coulter''s Achievements

Ann Coulter graduated with honours from Cornell University of Arts and Sciences. She received her J.D. from the University of Michigan and was editor of the Michigan Law Review. Before becoming a political commentator, Ann worked as an attorney in the Department of Justice honours program for outstanding law school graduates.

Ann Coulter has written several "books", five of which have been New York Times best sellers.

Letter To Ann Coulter

Dear Ann Coulter,
Your quick response will be much appreciated.

If lots of people sent the above letter to Ann, she might be persuaded to change her ways. Poor Ann needs to regain some of the dignity she has lost over the years (if possible).

Ann Coulter's Christian Claims

Ann Coulter is renowned for her disparaging remarks about all sorts of people. She claims to be right every time and indeed sees bigotry and having a mean spirit as virtues. She also claims to be a Christian and says that Christian ideas underpin her writing and politics. OK, lets see how Ann stands up to 1 Timothy 2, for example.

1 Timothy 2 verse 9 states that christian women should dress modestly. - Ann Coulter often wears very short, revealing, tight fitting skirts.

1 Timothy 2 verse 10 suggest that christian women should support their claim to godliness by means of good works. - Does Ann Coulter do any genuinely good work (in the biblical sense) these days?

1 Timothy 2 verse 11 says christian women should quietly receive their christian instruction with entire submissiveness. - Don't think Ann fits into this category.

1 Timothy 2 verse 12 says christian women should not exercise authority over a man and should keep quite. - Ditto

So it appears that Ann falls short. Maybe she should "remove the plank .. before seeing the speck" as the good book says.

Ann Coulter is flawed but she should still be appreciated.

Thursday, 27 December 2007

Problems With The Ann Coulter Appreciation Society

The problem with starting an Ann Coulter appreciation society is that, as you learn more about Ann's activities you find fewer and fewer reasons to appreciate her. In fact, the best way to appreciate Ann Coulter is by not knowing too much about her.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

The Persecution Of Ann Coulter

At some stage in her life, Ann Coulter may well have been near perfect both intellectually and physically. People around her may have become envious, leading to full blown persecution. Could Ann's current behaviour be a warped attempt to somehow regain acceptance from lifelong persecutors? Her near size zero waistline might be a calculated demonstration of physical imperfection. Is Ann trying to appease her protagonists by showing them that she does not, in fact, have a perfect body? Similarly, Ann's deranged politics may be an attempt to turn enemies into "friends" by demonstrating intellectual impairments. Where will it end? If Ann fails to convince, will she step up her tactics by becoming even thinner and even more deranged? Let's hope not. Be strong Ann!