Sunday, 10 February 2008

Senator John McCain Should Not Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research

One of the more controversial policies that John McCain supports is the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. Maybe he's been swayed by the promise of advance therapeutic technologies that may result from such research, but as a Christian, John McCain should acknowledge his views are misguided and retract his support. Whatever the arguments for embryonic research it is in essence a process that involves the destruction of human life and is therefore fundamentally wrong.

As well as rejecting the idea of embryonic stem cell funding from a personal viewpoint, John McCain should also be aware that his stance on abortion will determine whether or not he becomes the next President of the United States. He has already courted disapproval from senior Republican party members over the issue and it would not be far off the mark to say that even if all his other policies met with acceptance, his current views on abortion and related issues will cost him the election. So, if John McCain wants to win, he must radically review his policies and adopt a stance that is absolutely against embroynic stem cell research. In fact, he should go further. To coin a phrase used by Mitt Romney during his stepping down speech, John McCain should actively seek to proctect the sanctity of life by campaigning for an amendment to the constitution regarding abortion so that it becomes illegal in all circumstances!

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