Thursday, 7 February 2008

Mitt Romney: President Of Europe?

Mitt Romney's bowing out speech earlier today was truly edifying. His belief that the state of a country's economy is heavily dependent on its culture has global relevance. Whatever country you live in, wealth creation requires hard work, risk taking and making use of every opportunity. He did an excellent job of articulating the real perils of dependency cultures, fatherless families, online evils and worldwide rebellious activity. He quite rightly called for a constitutional amendment to marriage to protect it from attacks by liberals. In fact the phrase 'constitutional amendment to' should be applied to all areas where liberals have sought to make that which is fundamentally wrong appear right. Mitt went on to correctly point out that the current crisis in the armed forces is a direct result of the culling of some 500,000 military posts during the Clinton era. Finally, amongst other pertinent issues, Mitt is right when he states that America needs to develop internal solutions to energy production so that it no longer has to depend on external (and quite frankly dangerous) sources for its fuel.

As a champion of many commendable policies, Mitt's departure from the Presidential race is truly a great loss. However, there are other parts of the world that would benefit from his guidance. Namely Europe. In fact, during his speech, Mitt referred to the general decline (particularly moral) of the European continent. As in America, many moral issues such as abortion and the sanctity of marriage have been hijacked by detrimental, liberal thinking. If Mitt Romney were somehow elected as President of Europe he might be able to stop the malaise before it's too late. Coincidentally, today it was announced that Tony Blair could be selected as the first President of Europe.

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