Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Ann Coulter On Sex And Marriage

Ann Coulter is right. Sex before marriage is absolutely wrong. There is nothing wrong with sex. As long as it's between a man and his lawfully wedded wife (wife=woman!). Sex is a gift from God to be fully enjoyed within marriage. But this is a wicked world. The temptation proves too great for some (especially men), and many end up having sex outside of wedlock. However, as the Bible says, no one will be tempted beyond what they can endure. If you're tempted to break God's Law, there is always a way out. The best way is to fix your eyes on Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Ann Coulter, professed Christian, belives that sex outside marriage is illicit, then she should either be a virgin or a reformed celibate.

I obviously don't know but I am aware that she hss been engaged several times and dresses like a tart. Her miniskirts are not only immodest but pathetic on a woman approaching 50. A truly Christian woman would dress with both more modesty and more dignity.

Any person who believes that this woman is a good representative of either conservatism or Christian morality is severely deluded.