Developments in, for example, the technological and financial service industries, has led to ever increasing demands for highly skilled workers. Many governments have responded to this need by sending more and more people to university. In some cases, as much as 50% of school leavers are expected to take up higher education places. The question is, will there be enough jobs to match an increase in the number of graduates? Evidence suggests that some sectors are heavily over subscribed. In medicine, there are now more than ten applicants per post. In some countries the problem has become so acute that many graduates have to do jobs that are well below their education standard.
Although highly educated people are much sought after, not all jobs require degrees. By excessively increasing the number of graduates, we may be removing resources from sectors that badly need to increase their headcount. The military, for example, suffers from a shortage of manpower and someone with a degree is less likely to consider 'joining up' purely because they have so many other opportunities.
Clearly, sending too many people to university has adverse effects. Fifty percent is too high. Only about 5-10 percent of school leavers should be admitted to university. If there are still skills shortages then we need to consider apprenticeships. In this way manpower and vacancies could be better matched, with a lower possibilty of oversubscription.
The Bible says that the best way to make a living is to do something constructive with your hands. Jobs such as building, carpentry and surgey force you to focus on what is in front of you. A lapse in concentration could, for example, see you fall off a roof or hit your fingers with a hammer. With 'brain' jobs, however, who knows what people are concentrating on. Hopefully, they're focusing on their work, but the Devil finds work for idle hands. By ensuring that the majority of people are focusing on something tangible during working hours, we reduce many of the social problems associated with idle or wandering minds. How can a nation protect itself? Don't send 50% of school leavers to university.
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