Monday, 17 August 2009

Ann Coulter Quotes

Below is a list of some Ann Coulter Quotes:

  1. "The backbone of the Democratic Party is a typical fat, implacable welfare recipient"
  2. "I think women should be armed but should not be allowed to vote."
  3. "It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact."
  4. "That was the theme of the Million Mom March: I don't need a brain -- I've got a womb."
  5. "Girl-power feminists who got where they are by marrying men with money or power love to complain about how hard it is for a woman to be taken seriously"
  6. "I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote"
  7. "There are a lot of bad Republicans; there are no good Democrats."
  8. "The tolerant liberal suddenly becomes very intolerant when their official religion is challenged"
This is but a small selection, there are countless other qoutes. To many to list here.

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