Monday, 23 March 2009

Obama' Latest One Trillion Dollar Hair Brain Scheme

Gotta hand it to this guy, he's either a genius or completely mad. President Barack Obama has just announced his latest directive to try and rescue America's dire economy. He intends to spend around one trillion dollars to try and set up some sort of auction system whereby the private sector is allowed to bid for a range of toxic debts. He hopes that by doing this the true value of these debts can be assessed by the amount that the open market is willing to bid. I can save him a lot of time and maybe money. These so called toxic debts (derivatives etc..) are worth absolutely nothing, zilch, zero, nadda. No one in their right mind is going to bid even one cent for them. I think the clue is in the terminology. The debts are toxic. If you know something is toxic why would you buy it. Interest in these debts may come from companies who are looking to trade or swap even more toxic positions. Sure there are plenty of people who might be willing to exchange Gonorrhea for Syphilis but at the end of the day you've still got a nasty disease. Some say that at least he's doing something. Well if this is President Obama's something maybe he should consider nothing.

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