Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Ann Coulter On Single Mothers

In recent interviews with The Insider and others Ann Coulter has once again raised eyebrows (and book sales) by promoting her latest book, Guilty: Liberal 'Victims' And Their Assault On America, with discussions around the role of single mothers in society. To be clear, Ann is not condemning single mothers per se but is, in her own words, against the glamorisation of single motherhood in the media which she feels is contributing to the increase in the number of single mothers in the wider society. She is careful to distinguish between those who enter single motherhood through unfortunate circumstances, such as divorce after a long marriage or becoming a widow, and those who who effectively choose to become single moms as a result of what is basically a scant regard for the sanctity of marriage. Even if there were no detrimental effects, large numbers of women having children out of wedlock should cause concern from a moral view point (morals as defined by God's Law). The fact that statistics tend to show that children from single mother 'families' do go on to produce problems in society further strengthens the argument that single motherhood (unmarried mothers or mothers who have become divorced after very short Britney Spears type marriages) should not be encouraged.

What is Ann's solution to the single mother or to be more precise the unmarried mother problem? Well instead of glamorising single mothers why not promote marriage (between a man and a woman) and celebrate those who have stayed married, through thick and thin, for long periods of time. Children can only really develop in society if they are part of a stable family with both a mother and a father who are married to each other.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who is she?

Ekstine Hickory said...

She could start 'promoting' marriage instead of spinsterhood if she would only get married herself . At least once.