Thursday, 31 January 2008

Is Ann Coulter Jewish?

Many people wonder if Ann Coulter is Jewish. People think this because her maternal grandfather's original surname, Weissinger (Ann's grandfather changed his name from Hunter Hart Weissinger to Hunter Hart Martin), sounds similar to other names which are commonplace amongst Jewish families. Indeed typical western Jewish names like Weisz and Weisbom are actually derived from Weissinger. Ann Coulter is not Jewish and the name Weissinger is simply an old Germanic word used to describe people with white hair and/or pale skin.

How Old Is Ann Coulter?

For all of you who are wondering, Ann Coulter is 47 years old. She was born on 8th December 1961. According to the Chinese calendar, 1961 is the 'Year Of The Ox'. Ox people are supposed to be born leaders who instill confidence in everyone they meet. Their personality traits make them suitable for professions like hairderssing and surgery. Well, Ann does have good hair and she obviously likes dissecting 'the issues' (in her own unique way). As for leadership qualities, I wonder how may people would vote for Ann Coulter if she stood for President.

How Tall Is Ann Coulter?

According to most sources Ann Coulter is six feet tall. This figure does not take into account the fact that Ann has a notable arch in her upper body so her true fully erect height could be closer to six foot five inches.

Ann Coulter is truly blessed!! Her supreme beauty, wit and intelligence is complemented by a height that is perfect for looking down on Liberals!! Give 'em Hell Ann!!!!

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Ann Coulter Claims That Eisenhower & Nimitz Were Confederate Generals

Suppose your public profile is lagging and your book sales have taken a nose dive. What's a good way of getting people interested again. Well, why not go on national television and say that Eisenhower and Nimitz were confederate generals. Result: increase in YouTube videos, increase in blogging activity, sudden increase in the number of people who Google your name and an increase in traffic to your website. Brilliant!

Now, I'm not saying that Ann Coulter definitely said what she said to boost her flagging media career (her 15 minutes must be up by now), but she isn't dumb. Ann, however, is clearly very very desperate.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Ann Coulter Is Smart

Ann Coulter is a smart women (good) in a short skirt (bad, very anti-christian). Ann's high intelligence has enabled her to take a degree in law. While it is a good thing to educate a certain number of people to degree level, there are problems with over populating a nation with graduates.

Developments in, for example, the technological and financial service industries, has led to ever increasing demands for highly skilled workers. Many governments have responded to this need by sending more and more people to university. In some cases, as much as 50% of school leavers are expected to take up higher education places. The question is, will there be enough jobs to match an increase in the number of graduates? Evidence suggests that some sectors are heavily over subscribed. In medicine, there are now more than ten applicants per post. In some countries the problem has become so acute that many graduates have to do jobs that are well below their education standard.

Although highly educated people are much sought after, not all jobs require degrees. By excessively increasing the number of graduates, we may be removing resources from sectors that badly need to increase their headcount. The military, for example, suffers from a shortage of manpower and someone with a degree is less likely to consider 'joining up' purely because they have so many other opportunities.

Clearly, sending too many people to university has adverse effects. Fifty percent is too high. Only about 5-10 percent of school leavers should be admitted to university. If there are still skills shortages then we need to consider apprenticeships. In this way manpower and vacancies could be better matched, with a lower possibilty of oversubscription.

The Bible says that the best way to make a living is to do something constructive with your hands. Jobs such as building, carpentry and surgey force you to focus on what is in front of you. A lapse in concentration could, for example, see you fall off a roof or hit your fingers with a hammer. With 'brain' jobs, however, who knows what people are concentrating on. Hopefully, they're focusing on their work, but the Devil finds work for idle hands. By ensuring that the majority of people are focusing on something tangible during working hours, we reduce many of the social problems associated with idle or wandering minds. How can a nation protect itself? Don't send 50% of school leavers to university.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Ann Coulter's Presidential Candidate

Who should be President of the United States of America, the most powerful nation on earth? Who should be elected to make decisions that have a global impact? Bearing in mind that the President has authority to launch some of the most devastating weapons ever created, Americans need to choose their leader wisely, for all our sakes!

The President must be a Christian and should use his faith to influence the way the country is run. The President will often find himself in situations that require a "leap into the unknown". As a Christian, he will be well equipped to follow the right path.

The President should be decisive. Once a course of action has been chosen, there should be no wavering. He should see things through to the end. Anything else is a sign of weakness. For the safety of everyone on this planet, we should all understand that the President of the United States of America means business!

As a servant of the people, the President must be prepared to do whatever it takes to safeguard his country, even if it makes him unpopular. If his actions are acceptable to God, the President should gladly accept the inconvenience of going down in history unfavourably .

Any President of the United States must be able to choose advisers wisely. Remember, "a little yeast makes the whole dough rise" and one bad advisor in The Administration is in nobodies interest.

So, whoever you vote for, make sure it's the right man.

Friday, 11 January 2008

Ann Coulter Is A Man? No Way!

Ann Coulter is clearly not a man! OK, in a particular light and from a certain angle she might have very very slight masculine features, but you definitely wouldn't call her sir. Why then do people call Ann a man (Mann). This must have something to do with the way she conducts herself, particularly during interviews. The combination of high intelligence, wit and quirky mannerisms portray Ann as the "type of gal that could hang out with the guys". Her natural brashness is, in popular culture, a very male characteristic and when debating with other women, she tends to subtly amplify the femininity of her opponents. Ann Coulter is definitely not a man. However, the biblical definition of woman is "of man". Ann is a woman, but her personality is definitely "of man".

Christian Dating Agencies? - Not for Ann Coulter!

Christian dating agencies, whether online or in the real world, are fundamentally flawed. Christians are warned that sexual relationships are only permitted between a man and a woman who are married to each other. Dating agencies promote the possibility of extra marital sexual activity and therefore go against the grain of God's Law. Marriage, however, should be encouraged (see the Bible), particularly in modern times where everyday imagery is highly sexual and leads many a poor soul into sin. Temptation can be avoided by banning Christian dating agencies. Instead, Christian's looking for a partner should use Christian marriage agencies whose sole purpose is to unite a man and a woman in Holy matrimony.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Should Obesity Be Criminalised

Humans are expected (by God) to take care of the planet and its resources. This applies to how we use the land and the extent to which we farm its creatures for food. We have a responsibility to monitor our consumption so that we do not compromise our stewardship duties. The size of a "nations waistline" is therefore a matter of concern when it becomes excessive. In the west there are thousands of severely obese people which implies that resources are being overused. In order to fulfill our obligations to God, and protect the health of the nation, swift action must be taken to stop gluttony. This can only be done through legislation. It should be illegal for people to be over a certain weight. Transgressors must be imprisoned both as a punishment and to serve as a deterrent to others who might consider indulging in excessive food consumption.

Monday, 7 January 2008

So What If Barack Is Black?

People make too much of the fact that Barack Obama is black. This may be a genuine indirect apology for years of persecution of non-"white" people. However, media involvement suggests that more sinister forces are at work. Certain members of the media, who envy Mr Obama's success, try to belittle him by saying "hasn't the black man done well". The key thing about Barack Obama is that he is an American. He is doing well because his policies appeal to a lot of people who support the Democrat party. His success has little, if anything, to do with the colour of his skin. Journalists who persist in patronising him merely expose their own deep seated prejudices!

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Should Ann Coulter's Freinds Arm Africa

Africa is plagued by war. For centuries, a particular type of conflict, where one side tries to be more horrific than the other, has raged through the continent. The result, poverty for all concerned. Is there a solution? Aid initiatives have focused on supplying food to the starving millions. Although welcome, food aid fails to address the underlying cause of instability in the region:War!.

Why is there so much fighting in Africa? Answer, is too easy to start a conflict. There is not enough incentive not to fight. The armaments possessed by many African nations are outdated. Warmongers do not see the aging weapons of their opponents as threatening enough. If, however, African states had weapons that posed a greater threat, fewer disputes would be resolved through fighting.

If conflict does occur in Africa, then its outcome must be decisive. Why, because prolonged fighting has a detrimental impact on the wider population. To do this, not only do African countries need better weapons, but the nature of war needs to change. In the 21st century it is no longer acceptable to fight using the ancient "A tries to outdo B by being more horrific" culture of conflict mentioned above. The machete must go! Adherence to the Geneva convention is one way of enforcing change. A better method is to have an updated Pan African agreement on how wars should be conducted on the continent, with severe penalties for those who default.

Many African conflicts occur within member nations. These skirmishes are less likely to happen if insurgents see that there parent governments have superior firepower. In turn, internal disputes have a better chance of being resolved via peaceful means.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Ann Coulter On Education

Ann Coulter has a point when she says that parents should have a choice when it comes to selecting a school for their children. Young people are the greatest resource of any nation and it's only right that we should take an interest in how they are educated. It is important to ensure that each child receives the best education depending on their individual needs. In an ideal world, all schools would be of the same high standard. In reality, this is not the case with (rightly or wrongly) fee paying schools, faith schools or schools that select pupils based on ability, giving the best results. This has historically been the case. No amount of well intentioned government initiatives to produce parity have worked. Maybe its time to accept that this is just the way things are. So if , by selecting the best school, parents are able to offer their children a better future, then where's the harm in that.

Ann Coulter's Book

In her book, Ann Coulter claims that "if Democrats had any brains they'd be Republicans". Democrats have a tendency to try to please all of the people all of the time. They do this by reinventing right so that their policies have mass appeal. The can't understand that some things are wrong because they're wrong. In fact, one criticism of the Democrat party is that some of its members are too clever by half. It takes real skill to convince people that it is right to, metaphorically speaking, put there heads in an oven and turn the gas on. Now I'm not saying that Republicans are unintelligent, but they do have a greater capacity to act on faith hence there public association with Christianity. So, it is not lack of brains, but lack of faith that makes someone a Democrat. Perhaps Ann should have said "if Democrats had any faith they'd be Republicans".

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Ann Coulter On Sex And Marriage

Ann Coulter is right. Sex before marriage is absolutely wrong. There is nothing wrong with sex. As long as it's between a man and his lawfully wedded wife (wife=woman!). Sex is a gift from God to be fully enjoyed within marriage. But this is a wicked world. The temptation proves too great for some (especially men), and many end up having sex outside of wedlock. However, as the Bible says, no one will be tempted beyond what they can endure. If you're tempted to break God's Law, there is always a way out. The best way is to fix your eyes on Jesus.

What Is Hell? Do You Know Ann Coulter?

Imagine the worst period of your life. See it in all its intensity. Really put some effort into trying to remember what it felt like. Now double the feeling. Then triple it. Then multiply by ten. Does this feel bad? It should do! Now, take a quantum leap. Multiply your anguish by a hundred, a thousand, then a million and finally, if possible, by infinity. Hell is infinitely worse than this. The despair is unimaginable. There is no hope. Hell is total separation from God for ever and ever. Why would anyone want to go there!

Is there any way of avoiding eternal damnation. Yes. Jesus!