Bill Gates is truly one in a million. Here is someone who with drive, talent and determination built a multinational software company that employs hundreds of thousands of people and turns over billions of dollars a year. Gates himself is a billionaire, but instead of displaying his wealth with mansions, yachts etc (as he is quite rightly entitled to) Mr Gates has decided to give the bulk of his earnings to worthwhile causes. Good on yer Bill!
Bill Gates' achievements should be admired and applauded. Such a man deserves respect. Anyone can see that. Why then do people like Fiona Bruce (BBC, reporter, complete nobody) try to belittle him. Do you know what it takes to set up a business like Microsoft Ms Bruce? I bet not!! So, Ms Bruce, if you are given the privilege, yes privilege, of interviewing someone like Bill Gates then learn some manners!!! FYI, Ms Bruce, overlaying your recent interview with Bill Gates with condescending narrative is not an example of showing appropriate respect. Also, Ms Bruce, Bill Gates is a gentleman and has obviously been brought up well so you should allow him to open doors for YOU!! If you presume that you should open doors for him then you are either completely ignorant or are intentionally trying to cause offense!!!!!!!
Finally, Ms Bruce, when you meet a great man like Bill Gates try to dress appropriately. Cut down on make up and wear a dress!!! Remember trousers are essentially mens items of clothing!!!!!!!!!!!